Painting on Canvas Contemporary Art Marine Sea Landscape Original Modern Famous ART PAINTING by Amira Munteanu Bergmann (Milan, Italy) Marine Landscape Painting Sea Landscape Canvas Contemporary Marine Art Original Sea Painting Modern Marine Artwork Famous Sea Artist Marine Art on Canvas Contemporary Sea Landscape Original Marine Painting Modern Sea Canvas Famous Marine Painting Sea Landscape Artwork Marine Canvas Art Contemporary Sea Painting Original Marine Landscape Modern Marine Art Sea Landscape Painting Famous Marine Artwork Marine Sea Canvas Contemporary Marine Landscape Multiple screen printing Work on canvas, limited edition number !!! Dimensions: 50 x 50 cm (or 40 x 60 cm or 30 x 70 cm, depending on the aspect ratio) without frame. (so as not to damage during shipping) Signed and certified. Limited and numbered series. "Animals - Screen Printing" series. Archive artist The works presented in the category "Animal painting - Serigraphy" are works that are part of the archive of the artist's collection. They were created by the artist during her years in an experimental way. They all have a number of files. Many of these works have been exhibited in various exhibitions, in various official catalogs and sold at auction. The artist has decided to sell some works from her collection to give the physical space a new creative period and enter a distant part of the new collections. For more information on the artist's work on this series of themes, visit the AMIRA DI TRANSYLVANIA blog WORK SIGNED AND CERTIFIED by the artist !!! With archive number and market value!